Tag Archives: team

Day 19

I’m thankful for positive people. I play on an intramural soccer team, and I am awful. Soccer is not my game- never has been. I only play because we need at least two girls on the field at all times, and we never have enough girls. So basically I stand on the field and hope to get in the other teams way once or twice. The other girl on our team is actually really, really good. Better than some of the guys. We lost our game tonight, and it was a tough loss because the other team was a bunch of whiny babies that played rough but then called foul when we started playing rough too. But oh well. It’s just a game. After the game, the other girl on our team, who I met for the first time at our game last week, walked around telling the rest of us “good game, good job, you did awesome!” All of us. I don’t generally need to be congratulated, etc, but when the other team practically storms off the field, it’s nice to hear. It’s a great reminder to stay positive and to not take life too seriously. Or soccer. It is, after all, just a game.

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