Tag Archives: resolutions

Picture 6

Six days ago, I joined a gym. I signed up on-line, and today I finally made it in for a little work out. I had driven past this gym before, but never paid attention to what was in the shopping center with it.

This is what is across the street. You walk out the door, fresh from an exhilarating work out (or in my case, 15 minutes on the elliptical before getting bored) and bam! Cold Stone. Don’t worry, I didn’t go in.

I did, however, go home and eat the ice cream in the freezer. I’ll do better tomorrow.

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Filed under Photography

Picture 1

I’m not really that creative. I like to think that I am, but truth be told…I’m not. That being said, I think it’s only fair (and probably legal) to say that I stole this idea from Photography Blogger, a page on Facebook I look at sometimes. The idea is simple: Take one picture a day. Me, being the very amateur photographer that I am, will probably end up taking several pictures just to get one that looks cool and artsy. But I think it’s a really interesting concept that will hopefully either a) make me a better photographer, b) unleash all of my untapped creative potential (not really) or c) all of the above?

Today’s picture is brought to you by the word cliche.

It is January 1- quite possibly the only day of the year that every one who makes a New Years Resolution sticks to it. I made a few resolutions this year, one of which is to get in better shape. (I know…totally not original) Given the fact that my breakfast this morning consisted of Dr. Pepper and a handful of Oreo cookies, this picture is meant to inspire me. My shoes are in the middle of my floor and they look alarmingly clean and unused. I’ve had them for almost three months now, and the pink is just as bright as the day I bought them. (Not gunna lie, that’s kind of why I bought them…). I think it’s about time I give those girly shoes a run for their money. Ha…get it? A run? Tennis shoes?

I think I just made a new resolution– stop with the puns.

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Filed under Photography