Tag Archives: roommate

Day #18

I know I said this a few days ago, but I am so incredibly grateful for my roommate. If last night wasn’t rock bottom, I don’t want to know what is. Not only did she rub my back and bring me water while I was throwing up, she spent the entire time telling me everything was going to be ok and that it was normal to go through this from time to time. On top of that, she spent the entire night sleeping on the bathroom floor with me. I don’t know too many people that would do that for me.


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Thankful Day 2

I forgot to post this last night, which is weird because I remember reminding myself to do it, then I probably got distracted by something shiny and forgot.

Yesterday, I was thankful for the gym and for my roommate. While I hate going to the gym, I do get a strange amount of satisfaction from being covered in sweat after a workout. And as for my roommate, while it is true that I would much prefer to live alone, she’s not so bad since I can’t afford to live alone. I don’t have many friends in this town, but she’s always there when I’m having a crappy day and need to hash out my life. Cheers!

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