Tag Archives: dumb boys

Take Me Back

So incredibly homesick tonight. Out of nowhere. A song came on the radio that instantly took me back to this summer, and I just started crying.  And now I can’t stop. I don’t understand it. But all I can see is San Diego at sunset, and being on the beach, or driving down the road with the windows down and the music up. I can’t get the images out of my head. And I can’t take it tonight.

And then somehow I start thinking about him, even though he has nothing to do with San Diego. I haven’t heard from him in over a year, somewhat by my choosing, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. He has sucked up 7 years of my life at this point. 7 years. Why can’t I get over it? Why does it still get to me so much?

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I Told You So

Tonight, I bet my soon-to-be roommate that he couldn’t eat a pound of pasta in one sitting. The rules were simple: I had to make it, and if I was right he would buy me dinner. If he was right, then I just made him dinner.

I was right.

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